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5 Ways Cloud Computing Can Cut Your Business’s Costs
By Francis West on 20th June 2014
Cloud computing is a term being used more often in business circles and more and more business owners can explain the benefits of moving to the cloud. Benefits matter, but it’s also important to think about the cost savings to be gained from cloud computing.
Consider the following to help you work out how much you will save, if you move to the cloud.
You Will Spend Less On Software Updates
There are new versions of computer programs coming out all the time. From new word processing software to anti-virus programs nothing stands still. You probably recognise this and already have a budget for software updates and upgrades.
Software updating and upgrading tasks cost your business in two ways. First, it costs you money to buy the new software. Second, it costs you money to do the updating on all your machines and workstations. You can work out the costs to your business in terms of time, money, loss of productivity and so on by considering how long each month, or each year, you’re not working to your full capacity because of software-related issues.
With a cloud-based IT system you don’t have to worry about these costs. They are spread across many thousands of users. You no longer need to buy your own version of every software package you use. That saves you money.
Your savings don’t stop there. You don’t need to spend time making sure the new version of one package works with older versions of other packages. Cloud-based IT systems take all these issues into account and manage the process of integration for you.
You Will Acquire More Floor Space
Those servers that link all your computers, manage your intranet and store your confidential data take up a lot of room in your office. You pay your landlord for the use of that space. This can be a considerable ongoing cost to your business.
When you move to the cloud, you dispense with the need to have servers in your office. Everything is hosted in the cloud. That means you have a choice. You can use the additional office space you gain when you get rid of your servers for something else, or you can rent a smaller office. Either way you save.
You Can Choose What You Want
Cloud computing solutions are flexible. When you’re looking to decide what to buy, you choose from a menu. You choose the services you want and intend to use. You can ignore everything else in the menu.
That means you can shape your purchase to suit your budget. You won’t be forced to buy additional features that you know you don’t need.
Your Commitment Is Flexible
If the size of your workforce increases, you will need more work stations. If you downsize, you will need fewer work stations. You will also need fewer user licences for your cloud computing facilities. That won’t be a problem. Cloud computing contracts are flexible, too.
When you use a cloud-based IT system you can vary the number of licences you purchase. You’re not stuck with too many, or too few, licences for long periods. You choose to buy what you need now.
You Will Have Fewer Sleepless Nights
It’s difficult to put a price on a good night’s sleep. However, when you have a cloud-based IT system, you’re part of a large network of users. Systems are robust. They are well constructed and supported by people who understand the software they are working with and the needs of thousands of cloud-based IT users.
When you set your IT systems up yourself, using your in-house expertise, you may be putting your business at risk, if the person you’re relying on to manage your IT, isn’t an expert in IT. In such a situation you can’t be confident that things will go well.
With a cloud-based IT system you’ll receive a guarantee of computer uptime. At Westtek, we guarantee 99% computer uptime. With cloud-based IT systems you can also access expert IT support quickly when things go wrong.
That means you can sleep better at night.
Cloud Computing Makes Good Financial Sense
Now that you’ve done your calculations, how much will you save by using cloud-based IT? What will be the return on your investment? How much faster can you grow your business when you decide to cut unnecessary costs? Welcome surprises, such as these, will result from your move to the cloud.
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5 Ways Cloud Computing Can Cut Your Business’s Costs
Cloud computing is a term being used more often in business circles and more and more business owners can explain the benefits of moving to the cloud. Benefits matter, but it’s also important to think about the cost savings to be gained from cloud computing.
Consider the following to help you work out how much you will save, if you move to the cloud.
You Will Spend Less On Software Updates
There are new versions of computer programs coming out all the time. From new word processing software to anti-virus programs nothing stands still. You probably recognise this and already have a budget for software updates and upgrades.
Software updating and upgrading tasks cost your business in two ways. First, it costs you money to buy the new software. Second, it costs you money to do the updating on all your machines and workstations. You can work out the costs to your business in terms of time, money, loss of productivity and so on by considering how long each month, or each year, you’re not working to your full capacity because of software-related issues.
With a cloud-based IT system you don’t have to worry about these costs. They are spread across many thousands of users. You no longer need to buy your own version of every software package you use. That saves you money.
Your savings don’t stop there. You don’t need to spend time making sure the new version of one package works with older versions of other packages. Cloud-based IT systems take all these issues into account and manage the process of integration for you.
You Will Acquire More Floor Space
Those servers that link all your computers, manage your intranet and store your confidential data take up a lot of room in your office. You pay your landlord for the use of that space. This can be a considerable ongoing cost to your business.
When you move to the cloud, you dispense with the need to have servers in your office. Everything is hosted in the cloud. That means you have a choice. You can use the additional office space you gain when you get rid of your servers for something else, or you can rent a smaller office. Either way you save.
You Can Choose What You Want
Cloud computing solutions are flexible. When you’re looking to decide what to buy, you choose from a menu. You choose the services you want and intend to use. You can ignore everything else in the menu.
That means you can shape your purchase to suit your budget. You won’t be forced to buy additional features that you know you don’t need.
Your Commitment Is Flexible
If the size of your workforce increases, you will need more work stations. If you downsize, you will need fewer work stations. You will also need fewer user licences for your cloud computing facilities. That won’t be a problem. Cloud computing contracts are flexible, too.
When you use a cloud-based IT system you can vary the number of licences you purchase. You’re not stuck with too many, or too few, licences for long periods. You choose to buy what you need now.
You Will Have Fewer Sleepless Nights
It’s difficult to put a price on a good night’s sleep. However, when you have a cloud-based IT system, you’re part of a large network of users. Systems are robust. They are well constructed and supported by people who understand the software they are working with and the needs of thousands of cloud-based IT users.
When you set your IT systems up yourself, using your in-house expertise, you may be putting your business at risk, if the person you’re relying on to manage your IT, isn’t an expert in IT. In such a situation you can’t be confident that things will go well.
With a cloud-based IT system you’ll receive a guarantee of computer uptime. At Westtek, we guarantee 99% computer uptime. With cloud-based IT systems you can also access expert IT support quickly when things go wrong.
That means you can sleep better at night.
Cloud Computing Makes Good Financial Sense
Now that you’ve done your calculations, how much will you save by using cloud-based IT? What will be the return on your investment? How much faster can you grow your business when you decide to cut unnecessary costs? Welcome surprises, such as these, will result from your move to the cloud.
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